Classes begin in January!
Enroll today!
Pasadena Japanese Language School Japanese language classes for children and adults Mirai Nihongo Gakuin Pasadena Japanese Language Academy Hikari no Sato Sierra Madre
Introduction to Japanese Culture Series
What is Japanese culture? Japan offers so many traditional cultural arts and values. And yet, it leads the world in technology, design, anime and manga. In this innovative series, we will introduce you to many different cultural experiences. From traditional Japanese dance to contemporary film and music. Hikari will offer two classes, one for adults on Thursday mornings and one for youth on Friday afternoons. In addition to presentations and workshops at Hikari no Sato, there will be many off-site field trips to such places as Japan House in Hollywood, the Storrier Stearns Japanese Garden and Makoto Taiko Dojo to name a few. The series will begin in January so please contact us if you are interested!
Hikari Japanese Academy
Japanese Language and Cultural Education
Let's Learn Japanese!
For beginning students ages 8 to 11 who are motivated to learn the Japanese language and culture. Sessions are held on Saturday mornings from 9am to 10:30am and includes Japanese activities! The fun begins on January 18th.
Japanese for Teens
For teens 12 to 15, this will explore Japanese language and contemporary culture. Students will plan their own gatherings and activities! Sessions are on Saturdays from 12pm to 1:30 pm beginning January 18th or Tuesdays from 3:30pm to 5pm beginning on January 21st.
Soroban! Japanese Abacus Classes!
Soroban is the Japanese abacus and is an important calculation tool in Japanese education and culture. It is an essential part of the the National math curriculum in Japan. The soroban offers students many benefits. It will help you add, subtract, multiply, and divide faster and more confidently than with a pencil and paper. With practice, you can calculate as quickly as with a calculator. The soroban helps develop mental calculation skills by building a mental picture of numbers. And the soroban helps develop a greater sense of numbers and an intuitive understanding of them. Within a few months, students as young as six will learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division! Classes begin January 15th!
Hikari Kids Pre-School Program!
Hikari Kids is for pre-school children ages 3 to 5 who are interested to learn the Japanese language and culture. These fun sessions will emphasize the beauty of the Japanese culture while teaching simple Japanese vocabulary through Japanese activities, games, story-telling and videos. Once-weekly sessions will be limited to 5 children. On occasion, we hope to schedule fun outings to complement learning, such as visits to museums, Little Tokyo, Japanese gardens, a Dodgers game, picnics and any other ideas the students may have. Hikari Kids will meet on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 10:30am to 12pm.
Adult Japanese Classes begin in January!
We can’t wait to travel to Japan! Travel to Japan has never been more popular so prepare for your next adventure by taking classes at Hikari Japanese Academy. We offer several levels of instruction from Elementary, Intermediate to Advanced classes that are designed for students of every skill level. Contact us to assess your Japanese skill level so we can recommend the best class for you. Classes are held online and in-person. In-person Conversation Class will be on Thursday afternoons from 1:30pm to 3pm. In-person Elementary 1A Class will be on Saturday afternoons from 2pm to 3:30pm. Start 2025 by learning Japanese! Register today for Winter Quarter!
Explore Japan!
Conde Nast’s Readers’ Choice Awards has named Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto the #1, #2 and #3 Big Cities in the world. It’s no wonder. Japan offers the excitement of a contemporary society, the serene beauty of nature and valued traditions of past generations like no other country in the world. Stay in touch so that you can join us on our next educational adventure to Japan!
Friendship 2025
We are very excited to announce the start of the Pasadena-Mishima Friendship 2025 Youth Exchange Program! We look forward to welcoming young ambassadors to this exclusive experience of a lifetime where students will work together with Mishima students on a Sustainable Development Goal project. Space is limited so contact us for information and an application!
Everyday Japanese!
Good Afternoon - KON NICHI WA
Good Evening - KON BAN WA
Thank you - ARIGATO
I'm home - TADAIMA
Welcome home - OKAERI
I will enjoy the food - ITADAKI MASU (before your meal)
Thank you for the meal - GOCHISO SAMA DESHITA (after your meal)
(If you know Spanish, the vowel sounds are similar in Japanese!)
Contact Us!
Hikari Japanese Academy
38 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Suite I
Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Email: Learn@HikariJapaneseAcademy.com
Phone: (626) 396-9927
Partners and Friends
City of Mishima, Shizuoka, Japan
Nirayama High School, Shizuoka, Japan
Consulate General of Japan Los Angeles
Japan Foundation Los Angeles
The Rafu Shimpo
Juntendo University, Mishima, Japan
Kansai University of International Studies
Nihon University High School
University of California Los Angeles